It takes a lot of people to put on a festival the size and complexity of Starbelly Jam. Some have been working on it for weeks, some for months or all year, and many, many help out for a few hours before, during and after the event. We’d like to give special acknowledgement to the key people who have been so vital to the success of Starbelly.


  • Chair- Matt Winger
  • Vice Chair- Amanda Hulland
  • Secretary- Joanne Stobbe
  • Treasurer- Kevin McBride
  • Makayli Wilkiinson
  • Jamie Nelson


Operations Manager – Shanel Samadhi

Site Directors – Robert Boker & Dallas Stobbe

Site Consultant– Howard Sempf

Financial Manager – Kate Woodhouse

Artistic Directors – Amanda Hulland & Steven Gevenich

Children’s Activities & Coordinators – Ellie Reynolds & Amanda Hulland

Workshop Coordinators – Amanda Hulland & Steven Gevenich

Workshop Sound Technicians – Charles Reynolds Jr.

Media Manager – Steven Gevenich

Sponsorship Coordinator – Taryn Stokes

Grant Writers – Bridget Klueppel & Taryn Stokes

Artist Transportation – Glenn Tilley

Hospitality/ Accommodations Coordinator – Galadriel Rael & Amanda Hulland

Technical Coordinator – Kenji Fukushima

Starbelly Stage Manager –   Nelson from Nelson

Moonbelly Stage Manager – Matt Sych

Festival MCs -Dan Silakiewicz

Artist Host Team Leads– TBA

Photography Manager – Steven Gevenich

Web Design– Battery Studios

Poster & Print Design – Kendel Vreeling

Social Media – Nicole Schreiber, Steven Gevenich & Amanda Hulland

Decorations Coordinator – Heidi McBride

Properties Manager– David Kayle, Sergio Parenti, Gavin Root

Chief Carpenters– Steven Sayer & Tony Schellhorn

Main Gate Carpenter– Dave Sufadi

Chief Electrician – Brandon Turlock

Water Management – Don Horvath

Perimeter Lighting – Ron Juris & Rick Mescaniuk

Tents– Michelle Sanche

Strawbales– Mautz Kroker

Recycling/Compost – Jonas Plaumann

Fencing Coordinator– Shjown Darwell

Sanitation Manager– Kathy Kolar

Services Director – Joanne Stobbe

Food & Craft Vendor Coordinator – Lara Anderson

On-Site Vendor Coordinator – Klaus Plaumann

Merchandise Booth Coordinator – Carol Blackwell

Gate/Ticket Sales Coordinator – Shelby Sanford

Children’s Craft Pavillion – Danielle Rogers

Milky Way Tent – Ellie Reynolds

The Teen Tipi (teen chill space & activities) – TBA

Parking Coordinator – Norm Eisler & Rachel Castor

Security Director – Matt Winger

Hosting Manager – Matt Winger

Backstage Security – TBA

Site Overnight Guard – TBA

First Aid Medical Coordinator – Jason Deatherage

Professional Security – TBA

Volunteer Coordinators – Sandra Stokes & Shelby Sanford

Volunteer Intake Coordinator – Nicole Plouffe

Customer Service/ Lost and Found – Gina Stewart

Campground Manager– Tomas Sohlberg

Campground Water & Bridge Construction– TBA

Campground Security – TBA

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