*Non-Profit Vendor Application accessible at the bottom of this page.

Non-Profit Vendors Overview 2025:


Once you are notified of your acceptance, we are happy to answer further questions that may not be covered here.

  • Deadline for Application is May 2nd, 2025. Completed applications will be notified of the decision by May 16th, 2025.
  • FULL PRE PAYMENT OF ALL FEES is due upon Application and can be paid by Stripe or E=Transfer to starbellyjam@gmail.com. No Application is considered without pre-payment. Unsuccessful applications will be refunded in full by May 28th, 2025.
  • Booth Fee is $55+GST PLUS $150 damage deposit and includes two staff weekend passes.
  • Booth size is 10’ x 10’ for vending space
  • Additional 5’ depth behind the booth is permitted for storage/personal space and must be curtained off. You may set up a small tent to camp at your booth.
  • Please keep your campsite tidy at all times..
  • Encroaching outside of designated vending space will be charged at $40 a foot.
  • Only items submitted on application are permitted to be sold at the festival. Starbelly Jam reserves the right to remove any items not approved in application.
  • All vendors and employees must wear a festival vendor wristband.
  • Each non profit vendor receives one parking spot in the vendor parking area (see information below)
  • Up to two additional discounted weekend staff passes and one staff campsite at the Starbelly Campground are available to purchase for accepted vendors from June 2nd, 2025 by contacting sevices@starbellyjam.org

Damage Deposits will be refunded on or before August 13th, 2025.

  • By submitting an application you agree to conform to all the conditions and acknowledge that the Damage Deposit is held as security, and can be forfeited for non-compliance.
  • Any and all vendor actions resulting in loss of damage deposit will be notified and documented via email by a Starbelly Jam representative. Examples of forfeiture of damage deposit include but are not limited to altering, damaging Crawford Bay Park property or infrastructure. Leaving litter and waste on Crawford Bay Park property. Disrespectful or abusive behaviour towards festival goers or Starbelly Jam staff and volunteers. Non compliance with any of Starbelly Jam’s requirements and policies.

There is no refund of Vendor Fees for successful applicants after approval.

* It is the vendors’ responsibility to have back-up personnel in the event of sickness, etc.

Festival Set-up & Take Down

  • Booth locations are assigned by Starbelly Jam and are non-transferable
  • Permit to Operate Package
  • Pick up from vendor manager upon arriving at festival on July 18th
  • It will include additional set up details, set up checklist, “vendor access pass”, festival wristbands, parking pass, camping pass if applicable, festival Permit to Operate and a load-out checklist for damage deposit refund that will be completed by vendor manager or designate

Load-in + Set-up

  • Vendors will be assigned a load in time between 1 pm – 4 pm on Friday July 18th
  • This will be emailed by July 11th, and is determined on vendor placement and adjacent set-up requirements
  • Vendors or their staff must check-in with vendor manager (or designate) prior to bringing in vehicle or supplies to the festival grounds
  • No loading in prior to designated time is allowed
  • Vendors not present at loading time may lose their vending space at festival, including forfeiting of all stall fees and damage deposit
  • Staff without wristbands helping set up vendor booths must be off of the festival grounds by 4 pm

Take Down + Load-out

  • Vendors are only permitted to load out on Monday July 21st from 6 am – 11 am
  • Vendors or their staff must inform vendor manager (or designate) of intended load out time prior to Monday morning
  • Load out checklist will be reviewed with vendor and Starbelly Jam designate on Monday morning before vendor leaves festival site or vendor risks losing entire damage deposit
  • Vendors must leave their site immaculately clean & void of vehicular damage upon departure. Note that no changes to the Crawford Bay Community Park trees/grounds/park infrastructure, may happen without approval of Vendor Manager, or vendor risks loss of damage deposit and future vending privileges.

Festival Vending Hours

Minimum hours required to be open:

Friday 5pm – 9 pm
Saturday noon – 9 pm
Sunday noon – 9 pm

Vendors are encouraged to stay open until the music ends each day

Electronic Payments

  • Secure wireless service is provided to all vendors in order to facilitate running credit card purchases through your SQUARE or PAYPAL accounts
  • Vendor will be given password on site once Set Up Checklist is completed
  • Do not share password with the public
  • There usually is public ‘high-speed’ available for personal use in the core of Crawford Bay that does not require a password
  • We do not guarantee that this WIFI will run flawlessly, but hope to make it work for everyone
  • Note: that this wireless is NOT to be used for any other reason (Social Media, Netflix, email etc) as this secure bandwidth is VERY limited and shared by all vendors. Do not share the password


  • There is very limited power supply at the festival
  • Vendors are encouraged to bring a string of white LED or solar lights to provide some nighttime illumination.
  • Please notify the craft manager if you are going to require additional power beyond a string of lights and a charger plug for your phone/tablet that runs your electronic payment system
  • Any hook-up to power requires extension cords, at minimum:
    • 14 gauge, 3 prong outdoor rated extension cord – maximum of 25’. ANY cord over 25’ needs to be 12 gauge, 3 prong
    • All vendors are required to safely accommodate cords through booth area

Canopies + Displays

  • Vendors are responsible for their own canopy, tables, chairs and all other equipment/displays for vending
  • All canopies MUST be weighted down with minimum 20 pounds weights each corner. Summer storms do happen – be prepared.
  • Vendors using spray paint, tinsel or other items that will damage or impact the grass are required to use a 10’x10’ drop mat
  • Starbelly Jam is not responsible for goods left on site
  • Booths must be kept clean, safe and professional and respect neighbouring vendors’ booths. Keep loitering of “friends” (non-customers) to a minimum
  • No political or spiritual materials without prior consent from Starbelly Jam Board


Accepted Vendors are permitted to park one small vehicle in vendor parking (free of charge) Unregistered vehicles will not receive a parking permit, please provide the following information to crafts@starbellyjam.org by June 18, 2025

Licence plate number

  • No large vehicles such as RV’s, trailers or motorhomes are permitted in the vendors parking.
  • Recreational vehicles and trailers are to find local campsites or other accommodations.
  • Small trailers are ONLY permitted on site for load-in and load out times.
  • Emergency lanes are located behind space provided to vendors and cannot be used at ANYTIME. This space needs to be clear for emergency vehicles ONLY!

Zero Waste

  • We are proud of the work done to eliminate all waste produced at the festival and our vendors play a huge role in helping us achieve this goal!
  • Vendors are responsible for separating compost, garbage, and cleaned recycling into designated locations
  • Plastics recycled in the area are #1, 2, 4, l & 7
  • Waste stations at festival are supervised to assist all festival goers and vendors with proper sorting of materials
  • All product packaging is required to be recycled or composted
  • Do not sell items packaged in non-biodegradable materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, waxed cardboard, foil)
  • All customer purchases requiring bags must be packaged in recycled paper bags

Here are some more key festival policies that ensure a fun & safe weekend for all:

  • Selling of drugs/alcohol or related paraphernalia is not permitted and will result in your removal from the festival and a future ban on participating
  • No cooking is permitted (without prior approval from vendor manager) at or around craft vending sites, including when you are closed for business and/or camping behind your booth. Exceptions MAY be made with proof of $2 million vendor liability insurance (with copy provided no later than June 18, 2025)
  • Smoking is ONLY permitted in the smoking zone, which will have proper signage.
  • No dogs, no drugs, no alcohol – intoxication is not permitted on the festival grounds and may result in loss of current and future vending privileges
  • Each booth must have at least one ABC fire extinguisher, minimum 5lbs
  • Vendors are not permitted to display or offer any literature, advertising or information of any nature (be it political, spiritual or otherwise) without the prior consent of the Vendor Manager
  • There will be a festival volunteer periodically checking in with vendors
  • Anything that is a cause for concern may be addressed to any festival manager
  • It is expected that all vendors and their staff will treat all Starbelly Jam volunteers & organizers with respect and courtesy – remember that these people make it possible for you to have this vending opportunity!
  • Failure to comply with Starbelly Jam requests, including but not limited to respectful conduct with all Starbelly managers, staff and volunteers, and requirements can result in loss of damage deposit and future vending privileges with the festival.

Festival security persons will be on grounds 24 hours a day.

Starbelly Jam 2024 – Our Supporters