We acknowledge, respect and honour the First Nations in whose traditional territories the Starbelly Jam Music Festival operates and all Indigenous people residing within our region. As they have treated the people, land, plants, and animals with respect, care, and reverence, we intend to do the same.

One day right before the new millennium, some of our culturally creative citizenries were hanging out at Starbelly Beach, twiddling their toes in the water and basking in the sun, wondering what they could do to liven things up around here and celebrate how wonderful it all was. It must have been an idea whose time had come because one thing led to another and before anyone realized what was happening, Starbelly Jam Music Festival was born!

It was a good thing those original dreamers had spent so much time in the sun and didn’t know just how much work it was going to be, or it might not have ever happened! It took a dedicated core group of organizers, a small army of volunteers and a mountain of materials to pull it off — but when it was done everyone knew something very, very special had happened.

Starbelly Jam continues to be put on by a community-minded group of volunteers, from the tireless core committee to the many other local people who freely give their time and expertise to make this THE cultural event of the year for the East Shore. This is our big chance to throw a party we’ll all talk about for years, and our chance to invite some great musicians and entertainers to visit us, instead of us having to go elsewhere to see them! And, of course, to have you and all the other exuberant and appreciative aficionados of music and fun join in from all around the Kootenays and beyond to make it perfect.

Your Support

As a non-profit, charitable organization, the Starbelly Jam Society relies on the support of our community to keep bringing world-class musical experiences to Crawford Bay. Whether it be through sponsorship or donation, there are many ways you can contribute to the success of the Starbelly Jam Music Festival. Please consider making a gift or becoming a monthly donor today.

Donate Now!

A huge thank-you to everyone who has helped make the festival happen over the years!

Meet Our 2024 Managers And Directors

Starbelly Jam is a special festival; great entertainment, great food, great people, lots of happy kids and room to play — we’ve deliberately steered the festival away from getting too big or becoming too crowded; this festival’s success is all about the celebration of life through music, friendship and having a fun time for all in a safe and secure environment. Not too big and not too small, this is a “just right” festival Goldilocks couldn’t help but love.

To our new friends and old: we hope you will join us this year!

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Starbelly Jam 2024 – Our Supporters